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Password Checking with Dojo

If you're puzzling over how to create the usual password and confirmation fields using Dojo,  try out this approach that I came up with for a project I'm working on:

var passwordCheck = new ValidationTextBox({
 id: "password-check",
 placeholder: "Password again...",
 type: "password",
 intermediateChanges: true,
 invalidMessage: "The value you have entered does not match the password you have chosen..."
this.password = new ValidationTextBox({
 name: "password",
 id: "password",
 placeholder: "Password...",
 type: "password",
 intermediateChanges: true,
 onChange: function () {

  passwordCheck.set("pattern", this.value.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"));
  if(passwordCheck.value) {


It's really simple and keeps everything lean, relying on as little implementation code as possible.  Simply put, every time the password field changes, assign a new escaped validation string to the check field.  It also makes sure to trigger a validation on the check field just in case there's already a value there.

While my example is programmatic, I'm sure there's a declarative equivalent that can be easily derived from my approach here.

I can only imagine how confusing some of the equivalent jQuery solutions to this problem are!


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